Stories for your Christian journey

Author Joe S. Kimbrough II

A Strange Deal [Bucola #2]

< Link to Bucola #1 There’s still no sun. No burst of light greets the day, or to ignore for half an hour before I start my day. I must wonder at this point: Is the sunlight that short, or… Continue Reading →

At Least A Place [Prayer @ Feb 2024]

(< Previous Prayer Reflection Post)  My Lord departed with a mic-drop, a challenge issued with a quip that stopped my mind and commanded my attention.  And, stop is exactly what I’ve done. I haven’t moved from my wicker chair, since… Continue Reading →

Welcome to Hamage

Welcome to Hamage, AL. This little town has one major selling point: There’s more land than people. Seriously, I think there’s only one real estate agent (that everyone uses because she’s been in the choir of Green Pastures Fellowship Church… Continue Reading →

How Do I Fit In? [Prayer @ January 2024]

(See previous post @  With temperatures outside actually near freezing, I want no part of that, so I take another walk down our black, spiral staircase. Tonight, I march down the stairs in my moccasin style house shoes; they’re… Continue Reading →

Where Am I Now? [A Bucola Story]

My wife just kicked me out of our house. She’d grown tired of my shenanigans and told me to take a hike. I told her about deadlines for writing jobs that wouldn’t allow a holiday, and she didn’t care. Her… Continue Reading →

Prayer as a Real Mystery

“Looks like we’re starting the new year where we left off the old one,” my Lord says. (See last month’s conversation)  I’m too embarrassed to look up from my wicker chair. All I can manage is a “yep.”  There comes… Continue Reading →

Reflection #5 @ Ordinary Time 2023

The season comes for a change of location, so I descend what my wife calls “the documentary maker” – that’s our spiral, metal staircase to my office, which the family calls “the hermitage.”  No sooner do my socked feet touch… Continue Reading →

Orel & Patsy

Once upon a time in my neck of the woods, there stands a house without much to separate it from those beside it. This house has a brick front like all the rest, and a black shingle roof tops this… Continue Reading →

Reflection #4 @ Ordinary Time 2023

God leads off tonight: “Hey, so have you thought about your missing piece or pieces?”  The question greets my opening the door. I step onto the back porch in a t-shirt and jeans, but a breeze cuts through screens. I… Continue Reading →

Noel & Maylee

The Alabama Sandwich Shoppe looks great; reminds me of the legendary grandma’s house, except for the cement floor. They left that bare which was a choice. Still, they put so much work into the rest of it that the floor… Continue Reading →

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