Stories for your faithful journey by Joe Kimbrough - Contact Me ... Series' Page
Joe Kimbrough writes short stories for your break time with God. His work has appeared in Philosophy Now, Studying Religion in Culture, and Aphelion Webzine. Joe S. Kimbrough II thanks God for a constant stream of inspiration as well as his wife and their daughters for supplying many of the details. You can read his latest story Driving with Beulah.
With those formalities out of the way: Hey there. Most folk just call me: Joe, and I labor under the strangest imagination that writing is an art form. I'm constantly exploring the boundaries of grammar to express a complete thought. Presently, my explorations focus on an intersection between faith and ordinary life. Specifically, I am interested in the junctions between the romance in marriage and a lifelong journey with God to His throne. Simply ask yourself: If a spouse claims to be the same in year five of their marriage as year one, wouldn't you have some doubts about that marriage? Well, then - how can we claim to be the same believer years after our baptism? I invite you to join me in these explorations by choosing your adventure below.
Link to my most recent story: Driving with Beulah.
Here I want two links for "Faithful Reflections" & "Married Romance".